Financial Planning Committee

The First 5 Sacramento Financial Planning Committee is tasked with providing technical and professional expertise to the First 5 Sacramento Commission. The role of the Financial Planning Committee is to advise the Commission on budget and fiscal solvency.. Duties include annual budget analysis and long term financial planning.

2025 ​Meeting Dates, Agendas​ and Minutes​​

First 5 Sacramento Financial Planning Committee Meetings are scheduled quarterly for the fourth Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at First 5 Sacramento, 2750 Gateway Oaks, Suite 330, Sacramento, CA 95833.

First 5 Sacramento Financial Planning Committee Meetings are open to the public and input is welcomed.

​​​​Past Meeting Minutes



    ​Financial Planning Committee Members​

    The Committee is comprised of Commissioners and Advisory Committee Members.​

    ​​Financial​ Planning​​ Committee​ Roster​

    ​For more information:

    Contact First 5 Sacramento​ at
    (916) 876-5875