Advisory Committee

The First 5 Sacramento Advisory Committee is tasked with providing technical and professional expertise to the First 5 Sacramento Commission. The role of the Advisory Committee is to advise the Commission on local issues impacting children ages 0-5 in Sacramento County. Duties include reviewing funding proposals and researching best practice models of programs.

2025​ Meeting Date​​s, Agendas and Minutes​

Meetings are scheduled for the second Friday of even months, except as noted, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at First 5 Sacramento, 2750 Gateway Oaks, Suite 330, Sacramento, CA 95833.​

Zoom link for the public:​zbcLtQbilQesuE7kF1MaG.1​

The meetings are open to the public and input is welcomed.

​2024 ​Meeting Minutes

​Would you Like​ to join this Advisory Committee?

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis and reviewed when vacancies exist. Terms​ of office are for two years.

For More​ Information

Contact First 5 Sacramento at (916) 876-5875